Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Life Science Marketing Society is to build a library and community offering real training, support and insight to life science marketers. 

As you progress in your career as a life science marketer, everyone one day wakes up with the same epiphany: Marketing is completely different from science.

Everyone in life science who wants to achieve excellence in marketing (especially those who themselves began their careers as scientists) has a tough job on his or her hands.

Ask yourself if these limitations are true at your company:

  • Too much of our marketing is not very effective.
  • The majority of our marketing is short-term in focus.
  • Most of our marketing timidly paddles in familiar one-dimensional, outdated tactics rather than courageously wading into modern, current strategies that offer clarity, impact and measurability.

We’re here to help you fix ALL that.

Effective marketing funnels are (and must be) multifaceted. The skills and actions required to ATTRACT and ENGAGE an audience are completely separate from those needed to CONVERT them into leads and ultimately into sales.

When you build the proper foundation to ATTRACT and ENGAGE, CONVERSION becomes both inexpensive and almost effortless. Yet most life science marketing departments spend most of their time and budget ineffectively struggling to convert.

When you combine best practices to ATTRACT, ENGAGE and CONVERT, you achieve results you once thought were impossible. And in the process, you garner a lot more satisfaction and collect a lot less stress!

The Life Science Marketing Society helps you get there. It is a place where you receive free expert input across all three of these required pillars of marketing. It is a place where we all sharpen our collective excellence.

The Life Science Marketing Society offers bold, current solutions that incorporate the best of marketing strategies and practices gathered from top marketers in our own industry and beyond. And if you (yes, you!) have something valuable of your own to say, we give you the platform to shine.

The Life Science Marketing Society is 100% free to Industry Members. We’re here, just like you, to follow our curiosity, and to learn new ideas, outlooks and tactics which enable us all to better serve our customers and to produce satisfying, measurable results for our companies.

We hope you find this Society useful. If you have any suggestions on how we can make it better, please get in touch. And don’t worry – it’s very difficult to hurt our feelings!!

Our Advisory Board


Johannes Amon

From biologist to marketeer: Johannes Amon is a specialist in Marketing & Communications (Marcom) with 9+ years of experience in life science & medical/pharma/healthcare industries.

His special competence lies within the evaluation, strategic build-up, administration, and continuous support of various online platforms. Content is King, Distribution is God!


Laura Browne

Laura Browne is co-founder and CEO of Covalent Bonds, with a love of all things life science sales and marketing. Following an extensive career agency-side in life science and tech marketing, Laura founded Covalent Bonds to directly address many of the pains facing marketing teams in this specialist market:
  • Marketing is often perceived as a non-strategic function and can’t have a direct impact on revenue goals
  • Marketers need to demonstrate marketing’s impact on business objectives and are looking for a way to do this because it is not easy!
Laura and her team are dedicated to helping life science companies know how their marketing impacts business goals and understand the impact of every dollar spent on marketing. nickoswald

Nick Oswald

Nick Oswald‘s expertise lies in using content to acquire and engage custom audiences in life science. The best demonstration of Nick’s work can be found at BitesizeBio.com, which he founded. Bitesize Bio is an expanding collection of content aimed at various niches within life science. It attracts a recurring 4 million pageviews per year, mostly from organic search and has essentially “self-assembled” a subscriber community around the content. Matt-Wilkinson

Matt Wilkinson

Matt Wilkinson is a chemist turned marketing strategist and educator. He is the founder of Strivenn Ltd. and amongst other appointments is a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University as part of the Centre for Strategic Marketing and Sales in the School of Management.

He has spent the past 5 years embedded in the Genomics industry and has a particular interest in helping life scientists bring new products and innovations to market along with a passion for helping them create relationships and community using the power of storytelling.

Executive Director


Kenneth Vogt

In Life Science businesses, the scientific side of the business is often world class while the commercial side lags far behind other industries. This brings great opportunity to forward thinking executives and marketers in Life Science.

As founder of Vera Claritas Inc., Kenneth Vogt works with executives across many industries to help them install strategically advantageous best practices, often from one industry to another.

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